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来源:http://www.jiaolezhizhajijiameng.com点击: 发布时间:2020-07-29


  摘 要







  关键词:网络食品, 安全监管, 法律规制


  With the development of economy and technology, it is more convenient for people's life.Thecybereconomy has been raised. Some things about internet are liked by young people.With the aidof the network, food can be sold in the internet, and because of variety, fashionable, convenient andcheap, network food has into the public's daily life.But compared to the unetworke food, networkfood's safety regulation is not optimistic. How to make food operator access into internet maket?

  Whether should to be registration for record? How to carry out effective management to networkfood and how to protect consumers' right on internet for buying food? The law has not clearlystipulate. In addition, for no clear law, it is difficulty for management to supervise. Food safety isimportant, and it is also to network food. Inord to ensure network food safety, it is necessary tocarry out network food system study.

  Based on the difficulty of network food safety regulation, the article discuss the managementfrom the perspective of economic law is divided into four parts for network of food safetymanagement study.

  The first part introduces the network food and its related factors in the market. It includesdefining the meaning of the network food, it's characteristics, introduces food safety regulationtheory and the network in the food market main body, at the same time also introduces the networkfood business model.

  The second part introduces the current legal problems existing in the food market supervisionin network. Inducing current law's vague in network food supervise, the law's low rank, foodsafety and consumers' right hard to guaranted and so on.

  The third part introduces the overseas experience on network monitor food, this article mainlyintroduced the United States, the European Union, South Korea and other countries and specificlegislation experience to practice in our country.

  The fourth part mainly discusses the suggestions of perfecting our country's network foodsafety enhance the regulatory network food market access system, strengthen the network of foodmarket main body access specification and its daily management, clarify network food tradingpatterns, a good online trading platform service operator's legal liability, constructingresponsibilities clearly is the important guarantee to realize network of food safety supervision.

  Key words: Network food, Safety regulation, Legal regulation

    目 录

  引 言…… 1

  1.网络食品安全监管的基本理论…… 2

  1.1 网络食品的学理解释 …… 2

  1.1.1 网络食品的含义 …… 2

  1.1.2 网络食品的特征…… 3

  1.2 网络食品的经营模式及其相关主体 …… 4

  1.2.1 网络食品的经营模式…… 4

  1.2.2 网络食品市场相关主体…… 5

  1.3 网络食品安全监管的理论 …… 7

  1.3.1 市场失灵理论…… 7

  1.3.2 公共利益理论…… 7

  1.3.3 法律规范理论…… 8

  2 网络食品市场中存在的法律问题 …… 9

  2.1 网络食品监管法律不够健全 …… 9

  2.1.1 网络食品市场主体准入标准低…… 9

  2.1.2 现有法律规范效力等级低…… 10

  2.2 网络食品质量法律难以保障 …… 11

  2.2.1 网络食品生产包装不合法律要求…… 11

  2.2.2 网络食品贮存运输不合法律要求…… 12

  2.2.3 食品标识不符合法律要求…… 13

  2.3 法律规定不利于消费者维权 …… 13

  2.3.1 消费者权利时常被忽略…… 13

  2.3.2 消费者维权保障薄弱…… 14

  3 国外网络食品监管实践及其借鉴 …… 15

  3.1 国外对网络食品的法律监管 …… 15

  3.1.1 美国的网络食品安全监管…… 15

  3.1.2 欧盟的网络食品安全监管…… 16

  3.1.3 韩国的网络食品安全监管…… 16

  3.2 国外网络食品监管对我国的启示 …… 17

  3.2.1 法律规范宽严适度的市场准入环境…… 17

  3.2.2 完善经营主体登记制度…… 18

  3.2.3 制定完善的法律体系…… 18

  4 完善网络食品安全监管之建议 …… 19

  4.1 完善相关法律法规 …… 19

  4.1.1 完善《食品安全法》监管内容…… 19

  4.1.2 加强对消费者权益保护…… 20

  4.1.3 规范网络食品的快递行为…… 21

  4.1.4 完善其他相关法律法规…… 22

  4.2 规范网络食品市场的主体准入 …… 22

  4.2.1 落实执照登记制度…… 23

  4.2.2 严格食品经营许可制度…… 23

  4.3 明确网络交易平台服务经营者的法律责任 …… 24

  4.4 建立有效的网络食品纠纷解决机制 …… 25

  4.5 加强信用法律体系建设 …… 27

  5 结语 …… 28

  参考文献…… 29

  致 谢…… 33


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